Thursday, October 28, 2010

Carving Pumpkins

Well, it's that time of year again. Probably past it, but we like to do things a little late in this family. Kember has been asking and asking forever to get pumpkins but I kept putting her off. I'll admit it was because I didn't want to buy any and I was hoping the parents would have extras for us. Turns out neither set of parents pumpkin crops turned out real great this year, so we had to buy some. Next year we'll try again to grow them...and not leave them unwatered for a week during the hottest part of the summer while we go out of town :) So, while ordering our Bountiful Basket for our date night activity (look for an Iron Chef was awesome!) we decided to get some pumpkins too! And after everything was ordered we realized our order was going to Roy, UT. Huh, well, we don't live anywhere close to Roy, so that was a waste of money. So we bought more pumpkins at Harmons. Which we should have done in the first place because they were way cheaper. Ah well. Live and and learn.Here is the outcome of the pumpkin carving. Oh wait, there are only three pumpkins and there are five of us. Let's see...the Cat's Kember's choice...the Cyclopes is Caden's, and the little one is Cole' where are Dan's and mine? Especially Dan's, since he loves this activity....especially using power tools to help him :) Well, here's what happened. I'm sick. Carving pumpkins outside did not appeal to me at all. But Dan, being the good father that he is, took it upon himself to clean-out and carve everyone's pumpkins after they picked their template (because I'm not letting them near the knives). By the time that was finish, and don't worry, even though the kids didn't really help, they had a blast, Dan as worn out and it was getting dark. I don't know if we'll get to carving ours. Maybe I'll just let the kids paint on them, but whatever. They were so cute sitting there for pictures saying, "Happy Halloween!" Especially Cole. He puts this weird cadence on the word Halloween and makes it...funny. Anyway. Here they each are by their proud pumpkin.
Happy Halloween!


Ma & Pa J. said...

Yeah! A new Post! WOW, 2 new posts! I am in heaven.

Andrea said...

Those are very well done-way to go Dan! We only ended up with three pumpkins too. I was busy counting pumpkin seeds and making frosting for our treat.

Liz B said...

Our pumpkins are still sitting uncarved on our front porch. Maybe we'll get them done tomorrow? Maybe...

Loni said...

So cute! I love it and especially the idea that Dan's tools are so universal. Way to go.

Anonymous said...

Wow, those pumpkins turned out awesome! We stuck Mr. Potato-head things in there and Joey's has started to rot already. It's lovely, I tell ya.
Tell Dan that he is more than welcome to come and carve our pumpkins next year. We might even feed him for the time and effort.

michelle said...

Collin and the kids did them while I was gone. Collin let them carve their own.....probably wouldn't have let that happen if I had been home:)