Saturday, November 27, 2010

More Milee Picts.

Here is Grandma Carol Lee giving Milee a bath. Milee doesn't like to be naked, so bath time is pretty traumatic for her. However, when you get to her head or her feet, she loves that and just relaxes as you rub. It's pretty funny to watch. She doesn't like to be stretched out either. So, getting dressed is also traumatic.

Don't mind the fact that the flower is bigger than her head. I realized it was a poor choice, but we don't have a lot of smaller options for head bands. These are flowers that Kember and I share ;) It's not a great picture, but I think the flower is funny, so I thought I'd share it with all of you.

I love this next picture. Thanks to Rorie who made the flower, and thanks to mom (and dad) for the cute outfit. I think she looks adorable. The grandparents say she looks like Caden and Kember (depending on which grandparent you talk to), but I personally think she looks like Cole did when he was a baby. I'll have to get out pictures to compare.

Just some really quick things about Milee. She sleeps exceptionally well for a newborn. Some nights she will only wake up once. The "bad nights" (knock on wood as I say this hoping it remains true) she will get up two or three times. I think she's going through a growth spurt right now because I can't keep her awake for anything. She had one or two days or wakefulness, and now she is just so sleepy. She eats and sleeps, and for me, it has been wonderful. Of course, all my help just left, so now things will probably be changing, but despite that, Heavenly Father has blessed us with a beautiful sleepy child, and we couldn't be more thankful.

Kember is very helpful, and loves her baby sister. She will hand me diapers and wipes and constantly asks if she can pick out Milee's outfit or pj's for the day/night. She keeps applying hand sanitizer in the hopes of holding Milee.

Caden is indifferent. He shows interest in holding her for a few minutes, and then is finished. He will watch her while she sleeps and tries to rock her while she sits in her rocker.

Cole thinks "the baby" is pretty fun. He is always trying to stick the binky in her mouth and will tell me when she cries. He hasn't asked to hold her, and pretty much leaves her alone except for the binky and trying to rock her in her rocker.

Alright, here are the comparisons. What do you think? Can you tell which baby is which? They are all in order. Who looks like who, if any of them do?


* Nancy * said...

What a sweet babe and hope she continues to be a good sleeper at night.
Its seems as though everyone is adjusting great with Milee around.
I love the pics of her - even the big flower too! ;)

Unknown said...

I can see a little bit of Caden in her, but other than that, I can't really tell with the comparison pictures. She is adorable, no matter who she resembles though!

Andrea said...

I agree with Rorie. Maybe if the Cole picture were a different angle I'd be able to see a resemblance there, but as it is, if there is any alikeness, I'd go with Caden.

Way to post!

Loni said...

She is changing, but I still vote for Caden. BUT she is her own person and we like it that way. Now we just need to have a baby picture of you and one of Dan for comparison.

Kate Clayton said...

What a cutie! I personally love the big flowers. So cute! I really need a girl!

michelle said...

Very cute!!! That baby is definitely well loved.

Ma & Pa J. said...

She must be a mixture, because sometimes I think she looks like Caden and sometimes her expressions are just like Kembers.

worth reading said...